Idiot Pop
ダンスミュージックで歌謡曲の世界を書き換えた TK の全盛期に思春期を過ごしてしまった彼は、
そこから得た経験を、 あくまでポップさに拘りつつ、楽曲に落とし込み。
2009 年 1000 枚限定自主制作の 1st アルバムをリリース。
無名の新人としては異例の 1 ヶ月で完売し、話題となった。
Apple Music や Spotify でのプレイリストにも選曲され注目を集めている。
最近では、乃木坂出演 CM や 、ユニクロ、KIRIN などのCM ソングも手がける。
He spent his adolescence in the heyday of Tetsuya Komuro, who rewrote the world of popular songs with dance music.
Impressed by its musicality and way of life, since then, he has pursued a technovic quest to greedily desire the sounds of these days.
The experience gained from that is incorporated into the music while sticking to pop music.
2009 Released 1st album limited to 1000 copies.
It sold out in an unusual month for an unnamed newcomer and became a hot topic.
A familiar track that has gained a lot of experience and is constantly released
It has also been selected for playlists on Apple Music and Spotify and is attracting attention.
Recently, he has also worked on commercials for Nogizaka slope, UNIQLO, and KIRIN.